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Training & Development

Streamlined Talent Acquisition

If our work worlds were stable, and un-changing, we might not need to worry too much about training. We might still do it to provide employee development but it would be less critical to our organization’s success. It ain’t so. All we need to do is look around at our own organization, and what we are likely to see is significant changes that have occurred during the last year. we have lived through down-sizing, re-structuring, changed mandates, increased workloads, flattening of management structure, and a host of other changes. It is not likely that these changes will cease in the future, and we may be looking at changed political imperatives that will result in movement towards Special Operating Agencies, and making government more entrepreneurial.

Change has accelerated to the point where some organizations are in chaos, and most are at least staggered. What all this means is that as our work worlds change, new skills, knowledge and concepts are needed to achieve our corporate goals. And, our personal goals. Just to stay even, and just to keep our sanity.

1. What Training Can Do

Training CAN accomplish many things. It can help people learn the new skills that are required to meet new expectations, both formal and informal.

Build a common understanding of the organization’s purpose.

Show management’s commitment and loyalty to employees.

Develop people so they can increase their responsibilities and contribute to the organization in new ways.

2. Training Modules

We at JVS provide various aspects of training modules to corporate as well as individuals.

Our Corporate Training Programs includes:

  • Technical Skills Development Program.
  • Foreign Language Training.
  • Leadership Skills Development Program.
  • Special Sales and Marketing Skills Development Program.
  • Administrative Skills Development Program.
  • Customer Care Skills Development Program.
  • Effective People Skills Development Program.
3. Our Individual Development Programs includes:

We at JVS provide various aspects of training modules to corporate as well as individuals.

  • Leadership Skills.
  • Emotional Intelligence.
  • Time & Stress Management.
  • Effective Communication Skills.
  • Personality Development.
  • Time Management.
  • Interpersonal Skills.
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